I've been a bit under the weather again reader. It doesn't mean I'm not cooking, I'm just not cooking as fun and/or complicated dishes that require recipes. Sandwiches on Food for Life GF bread. Cereal. Pasta. Yogurts. Even Amy's frozen GF Mac&Cheese (I swear that stuff's so addictive it has crack in it!) Meat and rice dishes.
You see, I've been going through another rough spot with my tummy and energy quotient. I did get a little ambitious when I made a pot roast with honey, a savory onion noodle kugel (w/ tinkyada pasta), and a gluten-free, allergen free challah for Rosh Hashana, and I do promise to post them up as soon as I can :) I just had to go on break mode for a bit.
I hate taking breaks from my blog. Writing and sharing my cooking and baking experiments with you all gives me such joy, but sometimes I need to take a mini-break from my extra-curriculars. A life pause, if you will. I need to let myself be under the weather, and maybe even hide under a blanket for a while (metaphorical or literal.)
It's always been difficult for me to take these little life pauses. Once upon a time, I was very go, go, go! Active. Social. I'm still active, mostly because I'm too stubborn to give in to my endlessly fickle body, but it just requires more push through, more strength, and as a result- give me my blanket to hide under for an hour or two!
I think it's hardest sometimes to let yourself rest- to give yourself permission not to do anything. Especially when you're a workaholic, activity-aholic like me. I don't like saying to myself, today I have to place a limit or I have to say enough. But there can be another side to this. A break doesn't have to be a negative thing. It can be recognizing that you have a different kind of strength: the strength to just be. Just sit quietly with yourself. Just be under a blanket and heal up a little bit. And so dear reader, here I sit at my desk just being (okay, I'm working a little bit. I have a job you know! hehe.) I may not be the strongest in body as of late, but I am strong in mind and spirit. And hey, that can be good enough for me today.
Look forward to actually posting some great food soon. Please excuse my turtle-like pace ;)
Slow and steady...
6 days ago